Celebrating the Eucharistic Procession: A Joyful Morning at Prince of Peace Parish

This morning at Prince of Peace Parish was nothing short of a beautiful celebration of faith and community as we came together for a special Eucharistic Procession following the 8:15 AM children's Mass.

After the Mass, Fr. Iyke led a procession of the Monstrance around our new Sanctuary, accompanied by the angelic voices of the children singing, "We are marching in the light of God." It was a moment of pure joy and reverence as we walked in procession, holding high the Blessed Sacrament, our hearts filled with love and adoration for our Lord.

Following the procession, Fr. Iyke led the children in a time of adoration in front of the entrance to the Church. It was a sacred moment of prayer and contemplation, as we gazed upon the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, feeling His love and grace surround us.

As Jesus was reverently reposed, the children were invited to walk through our new sanctuary space for the first time. Their faces lit up with wonder and awe as they admired the beautiful artwork and architecture that adorned our sacred space. It was a moment of pure joy as they explored, soaking in the beauty and significance of our church home.

Today's Eucharistic Procession was a true testament to the beauty of our faith and the importance of community. It was a moment of unity and reverence, as we came together to honor and adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Let us continue to carry the spirit of today's procession in our hearts as we journey forward in faith, ever grateful for the gift of the Eucharist and the love of our Lord. May we always walk in the light of God, spreading His love and joy to all we meet.