Honoring the Legacy of Maggie Herrod: A Heartfelt Dedication

Today, our parish family came together in a deeply moving ceremony to dedicate our new Faith Formation wing to the late and beloved Maggie Herrod. Maggie, a founding member of the Prince of Peace Parish, has left an indelible mark on our hearts.

In the presence of her family, friends, and members of our community, the Herrod family graciously led us through a special moment of remembrance and celebration. Together, we paid tribute to Maggie's enduring spirit and the lasting impact she had on our parish.

Joyce Tompset shared poignant memories and heartfelt stories about Maggie, painting a vivid picture of her dedication to our community. Father Michael blessed the new wing, and afterwards, her official plaque was revealed.

The ceremony concluded with a celebratory luncheon in the Parish Hall, a time of fellowship and shared stories that highlighted the joyous aspects of Maggie's life and her influence on all of us.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Herrod family for allowing us to commemorate Maggie in this meaningful way. Her memory will forever inspire and guide us as we embark on new journeys of faith in our newly dedicated Faith Formation wing.

May Maggie Herrod's spirit continue to shine brightly within our parish, and may her legacy inspire generations to come.

#MaggieHerrodLegacy #FaithFormationDedication