Welcoming Bryce Baumann: Our Pastoral Year Seminarian

Hey everyone! We've got some exciting news to share with you all. Please join us in giving a warm welcome to Bryce Baumann, our pastoral year seminarian, who will be with us here at Prince of Peace this school year.

  • Home Parish: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Plano

  • Studied at: North American College in Rome

  • Ordination Timeline: Transitional Deacon, Spring 2024 (God willing)

Today marks Bryce's first day with us, and we couldn't be more thrilled to have him as part of our community. He's just returned from his studies in the beautiful city of Rome and is ready to share his learnings and experiences with all of us.

His presence will undoubtedly enrich our parish life, and we encourage you all to keep an eye out for him around the parish. Let's make sure he feels right at home!

Stay tuned for updates on Bryce's journey and the wonderful contributions he'll be making during his time with us. Here's to a fantastic year ahead! Welcome, Bryce!

#WelcomeBryce #ParishCommunity #JourneyTogether