What is the RCIA-C?

It is the Rite of Christian Initiation adapted for Children.

It is primarily for school-aged children 7 and up who have not been baptized. It is also for older children who have been baptized but not formed in the Faith.

It is a process of conversion and faith development. 

Children learn the faith and grow in their relationship with God within the Roman Catholic tradition and with the support and prayers of our parish.

We generally begin the journey in September.  The children along with their families gather for an introductory meeting followed by a shared Knight’s of Columbus breakfast in the Parish Hall. Children who have completed all the necessary Rites and classes, will be fully initiated at the Easter Vigil. 

We meet on certain calendared Sunday’s during the school year.  Children and their family attend Sunday 10:00AM Mass and then children are called for dismissal after the Homily for Breaking Open the Word followed by a catechetical session until 11:15am.  

Regular attendance at 10:00AM Mass and  classroom time is vital to the spiritual development of the child and every effort should be made to be at church, on time, every Sunday.  Families are expected to support and encourage their child as they prepare to receive the sacraments by attending Mass with them each week, whether or not we are meeting.  By example, we show our children what it means to be truly Catholic.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that parents are a child’s first catechist and so, we encourage parents to become involved in their child’s formation. 

rites that are celebrated:

The Rite of Acceptance Takes place in the early Fall.  During this rite, the children publicly declare their desire to be brought into full communion with the Catholic Church and the Church offers its collective support and prayers.

The Rite of Calling (for the baptized) 

The Rite of Sending (not baptized) are celebrated on the first two Sundays of Lent and mark the shift in focus of our preparation from academic to spiritual.   During these rites, the Church formally acknowledges the children’s declared commitment to the faith and calls them by name to the Sacraments of Initiation.

The Rite of Initiation is celebrated on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil Mass. 

During this Mass, children who are not baptized receive all three Sacraments of Initiation:  Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation, and are thus brought into full communion with the Catholic Church. 

Children who have already been validly baptized will be received into the Church through Eucharist and Confirmation during this Mass, but will not be baptized again.