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 Do you sense that something’s missing in your life? Do you feel that if you weren’t so busy you would be happier, healthier, more effective, more fulfilled, and maybe even a better person?

Come to the next women’s Welcome weekend! This overnight retreat is an incredible experience that will help you discover what’s missing in your life and what to do about it. Whether you want to connect with other women in the parish, improve your prayer life, or just take a break from the craziness of your every day to have fun and not have to cook or clean, you will find what you are looking for—and more.



There are questions we all ask ourselves in different ways: Who am I? What am I here for? What matters most? What matters least? Welcome puts a framework around these questions. You will get personal clarity, be inspired to start living with a deeper sense of purpose and be changed forever.


We all have a deep desire to feel like we belong—to feel welcome in our parish. The Welcome Experience is an opportunity for you to build meaningful and lasting relationships with other men and women in your parish. You will be excited to come to church on Sunday and more involved in your parish community.



Do you dream of a life that is dynamic and fulfilled? A family strong in faith? A parish you are excited to be a part of? It is impossible to separate personal transformation from the transformation of your circle of influence. With your life transformed through Welcome, your family, parish, and world will thrive.